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  • 1.  10x Genomic experiments and users

    Posted 09-14-2023 15:45

    Hi everyone,

      My question is for those of you who have a 10x Genomics Chromium Controller or CytAssist in their core.  I have both instruments in my flow core for logistic reasons.  Currently, I process samples through the barcoding step (Controller) and first strand cDNA (CytAssist) then the Genomics Core finishing making the libraries.  I am just wondering if this the best approach.  So my question is: How much of the workflow does the core staff do and how much of the workflow users do?   

    Thanks in advance,

    Kathy Brundage

    Director, WVU Flow Cytometry & Single Cell Core Facility

    Kathleen Brundage
    Director, WVU Flow Cytometry & Single Cell Core Facility
    West Virginia University
    Morgantown WV

  • 2.  RE: 10x Genomic experiments and users

    Posted 09-15-2023 08:10

    Hi Kathleen,

    We are a sequencing core and have both the CytAssist and the Chromium iX.  We have the customers prepare the tissue slides or single cell suspensions with our guidance.  From there, we do all the upstream prep with the instruments, library prep, and sequencing.  We have other controllers on campus, but lack of proper training has kept a lot of researchers from using it on their own.  I can definitely see a benefit to having equipment available in the bsl-3 labs, but in general we find that the more steps our trained staff can do, the better the results.  If we have researchers that are well trained, we do allow them to prepare their own libraries for other applications, but no interest has been expressed yet on side of 10X preps.  In my opinion, having your genomics core process most of the samples downstream is a good idea, especially for labs with little experience in library preps.

    Hope this helps!



    Elizabeth Hudson
    Assistant Director
    University of Louisville Sequencing Technology Center
    Dept. Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics
    Louisville, KY 

    Elizabeth Hudson
    University of Louisville
    Louisville KY