My name is Thayumana "Soma"Sundaram, a structural biologist and macromolecular X-Ray single crystal core facility director at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. I am in the process organizing a session at the 2024 ABRF Annual Meeting in April 2024. The session will touch upon structural biology cores like X-ray, EM. NMR, etc. and the transition happening and challenges we face in maintaining equipment in them.
Are any of you planning to attend the meeting or wanting to talk about the idea mentioned above at the annual meeting? If so, please let me know. My email ID is "tsomasundaram@fsu.edu".
Since this community forum is new with few but growing membership, if you know of someone who is planning to attend or wanting to present their work but not a member, please forward this message to them.
Thanks in advance.
Thayumana "Soma"sundaram
Institute of Molecular Biophysics
FSU, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4380, USA
(850)644-6448 | tsomasundaram@fsu.edu
www.biophysics.fsu.edu/soma | ORCID: 0000-0002-3629-5117
Thayumanasamy Somasundaram
Senior Research Associate
Florida State University
Tallahassee FL