We have run into the same issue over the years, especially with academic institutions. One way around it was to setup a profile and to use ScienceExchange. This allows the user to pay via electronic means, and guarantees that you get compensated. This will add a fee on the user's end, though.
 | Sean Yoder, M.S. Molecular Genomics Core Facility Manager Moffitt Cancer Center |
13131 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612 | tel: 813-745-1917 | fax: 813-745-7265 | email: sean.yoder@moffitt.org
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Original Message:
Sent: 6/24/2024 9:59:00 AM
From: Anthony Stender
Subject: Billing Methods for External Users
I am looking for advice regarding "billing methods" for external clients. Currently, we require external users to submit payment by check, but this method seems fraught with issues and causes complaints from external users. I have been told that we don't have a method to accept electronic payments or payment by credit card/P Card, but I would like to establish an alternative payment method for external clients. I am wondering if this is a common "problem" at other universities, or if any core managers out there found a good workaround for this same problem. Thanks!
Anthony S. Stender, Ph.D.
Microscopy Core Manager
Creighton University