Hi Deborah,
Every year Harvard Medical School hosts a "research cores showcase" for all cores in the area. Being where we are, this usually means there are 50+ cores present at the showcase. It is a 2hr poster session (usually 3pm-5pm, so not a morning or all day thing), there are appetizers and each attendee gets a drink ticket - which is usually a surefire way to draw some people in for snacks & knowledge. It is relatively informal, usually the core staff will end up chatting to each other while researchers "browse" and we let them know we are available for any questions, and/or if we sense someone has a question we'll offer to go over services. We give out brochures to take for later review, which people love because there can be a lot of information. We tend to get a slight bump in inquiries from it.
Generally people who have questions have a specific project they are looking for help on, and whichever core answers them with helpful info is the one they follow up to (rather than collecting info for a "someday" project). So it might be helpful to do it a few times a year if you have less cores to coordinate.
I hope this helps!
Ashley Hurst
Lab Manager - BPF Genomics Core Facility
Harvard Medical School
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2023 14:02
From: Deborah Hollingshead
Subject: Core labs showcase
Has anyone's institution hosted a core lab showcase or other open event to raise core lab visibility, particularly since Covid? I am new to a position with some responsibility to increase awareness of cores on campus and was thinking to organize a big event, but then wondered what would motivate people to come? Is it worth trying to do something in person now that the world is used to virtual connection? Would a series of more focused events in various parts of campus be more effective? What kinds of events have you participated in and how effective were they? Thanks!
Deborah Hollingshead
Research Resources Coordinator, Health Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh PA