July 10, 2023
ABRF Members,
ABRF has been asked by the National Cancer Institute to share a recent Request for Information on the development of a Multi-Omics Research Network as part of its Childhood Cancer Data Initiative. NCI indicated that the ABRF community would be valuable partners in this new initiative.
The responses to this RFI may guide the NCI in awarding future contracts at an undetermined time. This notice is for market research only to make decisions regarding the contract type best suited to provide biospecimen processing for molecular analytes (if needed) and subsequent multi-omics characterization for CCDI. Attached are some documents from the weblink, that may help to understand the RFI further.
Here is the link to the RFI: https://sam.gov/opp/7f735546343645369009a4b981e9c4a9/view
Please review the RFI and consider submitting comments on behalf of your Core or your Institution.
Thank you.
Ken Schoppmann, CAE
Executive Director
201 E Main Street, Suite 810
Lexington, KY