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  • 1.  Setting Charges for Bioinformatics

    Posted 10-17-2023 16:33

    I manage a Single Cell Sequencing Core (all 10X Genomics for now) and we are struggling with a few aspects of setting fees for bioinformatics analysis. A little background-I started here a little over a year ago, and we have an hourly analysis rate that incorporates both analyst time and computing time. There were some lapses in charging for things like basic alignment and consultation time (1hr+ weekly meetings with one user for example). I'd like to start setting reasonable expectations with users that often have very different levels of knowledge and analysis needs.

    1. How do you set expectations with time/charges for projects?
    2. Do you charge by time, or have set charges for certain routine processes like building a reference genome/basic alignment?
    3. How many consultations are included (preliminary, post-analysis, etc.)? And do you charge fees for extra consultations mid-project?


    Heidi Monroe
    Single Cell Core Managing Director
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh PA

  • 2.  RE: Setting Charges for Bioinformatics

    Posted 10-18-2023 14:07

    We have 2 set fees for our most common analysis packages.  The "basic" package is basically running through Cell/Space Ranger.  The "advanced" package is running through Seurat - annotating clusters, differential expression, ambient RNA removal (if needed), and plotting up to 30 genes.  Anything beyond that we charge by the hour.  I've never thought about consults, but usually when I set fees I plan for the hours I think it will take and then bump it up a couple hours to hopefully account for consults, notes, etc.  There are certainly some customers who like to push the limits so we're currently working on more tightly defining what is/isn't included.

    Karen Abramson
    Assistant Director
    Duke University Medical Center
    Durham NC

  • 3.  RE: Setting Charges for Bioinformatics

    Posted 10-19-2023 19:37

    I like the idea of defining an "advanced" package with clear deliverables.  


    We charge by the hour, but the number of hours vary a lot depending on the project and the lab.  For single cell, at the time of grant submission, I usually advise they budget $10k/project for analysis hours.  That's often an overestimate, but it really depends.  My analysts are hesitant to call hours billable, but I consider most hours that aren't reusable for later projects billable (including meetings).  We don't bill for grant support (unless it involves analyzing preliminary data) or if we only consult for an hour or two.



    Suzanne S. Fei, PhD

    Director, Bioinformatics & Biostatistics Core, Oregon National Primate Research Center

    Assistant Director, Bioinformatics Core, Portland Alcohol Research Center

    Bioinformatician, Biostatistics Shared Resource, Knight Cancer Institute

    Oregon Health & Science University West Campus, VGTI Office #1104

    505 NW 185th Ave, Mailcode: L-584, Beaverton, OR 97006

    Web: | E-mail:


  • 4.  RE: Setting Charges for Bioinformatics

    Posted 10-20-2023 09:19

    How do you charge for computing time? We're currently charging 1/4 time (1hr charge for every 4hrs), I'm not sure where that decision came from. I'm curious to hear what others are doing, and if it's based on how many jobs can run at one time. 

    Heidi Monroe
    Managing Director
    University of Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh PA

  • 5.  RE: Setting Charges for Bioinformatics

    Posted 10-23-2023 16:34

    We don't charge for compute time.  I considered it by taking the cost of the server and dividing it by the numbers of hours it would likely be used during it's lifetime and it came down to such a small amount per hour I decided it wasn't worth the effort.  But this will vary depending on what you spend on computing resources.

    Karen Abramson
    Assistant Director
    Duke University Medical Center
    Durham NC