I've never specifically received discounts on reagents because we have Thermo instruments or Thermo service contracts. Of course, our local sales rep for Thermo Sci may take this into consideration to some degree when quoting reagents, but we have entirely separate sales reps for contracts vs reagents so I wouldn't be surprised if the number of instruments you have is completely irrelevant. Our state of CT contract with Fisher Sci generally provides better pricing for Thermo Scientific proteomics reagents so I usually go that route instead of directly through Thermo Scientific anyway.
Jeremy Balsbaugh
Facility Director
University of Connecticut
Storrs CT
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2024 07:26
From: Jodie Franklin
Subject: Thermo discount for Proteomics Reagents
Are there any universities that are receiving proteomics reagent discounts because you have purchased equipment from Thermo and you are paying for service contracts? I'm being told that they are two separate divisions within thermo (SCs and reagents) and therefore no discounts are given on reagents. Thanks. Jodie
Jodie Franklin
Research Associate
Johns Hopkins Univ/Sch of Med
Baltimore MD