August 2023
The following is a summary of the discussions and decisions from the August ABRF Executive Board meeting:
2024 Annual Meeting
The Executive Board agreed to continue with the current meeting dates, April 21-24, and prepare an apology for this unintentional oversight in scheduling the meeting over Passover, as well as identify local Seder opportunities in Minneapolis.
The Executive Board also reviewed the estimated costs for livestreaming the 2024 annual meeting programming. In light of available resources, the Executive Board agreed that ABRF would plan to record, but not livestream, content from the 2024 Annual Meeting. The 2024 Program Committee will be asked to identify key recorded sessions to be broadcast following the meeting, potentially with follow-up facilitated discussions.
The Executive Board reviewed the mid-year budget projection, which included an estimated deficit of approximately $85,000 for 2023.The Executive Board agreed to continue to plan for a balanced budget in 2024, as well as the need to continue efforts to diversify ABRF's sources of revenue.
FASEB DataWorks Proposal
FASEB plans to create a new DataWorks prize targeted for Core facilities. The Executive Board agreed to recommend an ABRF member to join the DataWorks Advisory Council.
Code of Conduct
The updated Code of Conduct was approved and will be posted online.
Statement on Supreme Court Decision on College Admissions
The draft statement developed by the issues task force was approved and will be distributed to all ABRF members, with a media release, and posted to the ABRF web site.
ABRF/CTLS Memorandum of Understanding
The Executive Board reviewed the updates to the draft document and approved moving forward with the agreement, which will be reviewed by the CTLS leadership and membership.
Proposal to Organize Technology-based Town Halls
The Board discussed a proposal from the Membership Committee to schedule technology-focused Town Halls on alternating months throughout the year, beginning in September. These sessions would provide updates on new technological developments or issues, with the opportunity for attendees to join breakout rooms for discussions of specific topics. The Board approved the proposed sessions for a one-year period, including evaluation of participation and engagement throughout the year.
Strategic Plan Implementation – Preliminary Dashboard
The Executive Board reviewed the initial ABRF performance dashboard, to summarize results for Events, Finance, Community, Membership, and Communications through June 2023.
ABRF President-Elect Nomination
Marie thanked Soma for agreeing to be considered as the next ABRF President. Soma expressed his enthusiasm for the opportunity, along with his vision to continue to build upon ABRF's strengths. Following a discussion, the Executive Board unanimously approved Soma's nomination as the next ABRF President.
We hope this summary is helpful. Feel free to contact me or any member of the Executive Board if you have questions or suggestions to help ABRF meet your needs.
Thank you.

Marie Adams
ABRF President