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SC3 Chapter Meeting- Looking for Speakers

  • 1.  SC3 Chapter Meeting- Looking for Speakers

    Posted 06-07-2024 18:06
    Good afternoon fellow SC3 members.  The organizing committee is in the process of creating the agenda for the inaugural SC3 chapter meeting, Oct. 8-9th in Houston, Texas.  Registration details will be sent out soon but in the meantime, please help us plan for a successful and collaborative meeting and let us know if you have any great ideas for speakers on the topics below, or if you are interested in speaking.  As we embark on this inaugural event we would love to include the SC3 community in the planning steps.   

    Please respond to this email with your suggestions or reach out to me directly,, and I will share your suggestion with the committee.
    • Session Format: Three Panel Talks (Each 1 hour session)
      • Each Panel talk
        • 3 speakers, 15 min talks, followed by 15 mins Q&A
      • Topics (NEED suggested speakers on these topics)
        • User Training and Education
          • Looking for speaker on this topic:
            • Cores that provide training courses
        • Project Management
          • Looking for Speakers on these topics:
            • Quality Control
            • Cross core pipelines/collaborations
            • Communication
        • Marketing and Advertising
          • Looking for Speakers on these topics:
            • Tracking return on investments
            • Successful Promotion for Cores? What works? (Open house, lunch & learns, virtual talks) 
    On behalf of the entire organizing committee we thank you for your support and any contributions to make this a great first event!


    Jessica Podnar

    Jessica Podnar
    Facility Director
    Genomic Sequencing and Analysis Facility
    Center for Biomedical Research Support  |  The University of Texas at Austin
    (512) 232-5924