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  • 1.  Core Facility social media

    Posted 07-26-2023 09:40

    Hi all,

    For those who have social media accounts for their core facilities and are jumping ship from a certain app, where are you headed? Mastodon, Threads, Instagram, Bluesky, other? Wanting to continue our facility's social media prescence (what little of it there is), but not sure where to go and don't necessarily want to go everywhere.



    Christiane Hassel
    Manager - IU-B Flow Cytometry Core Facility
    Indiana University-Bloomington
    Bloomington IN

  • 2.  RE: Core Facility social media

    Posted 07-27-2023 11:01
    Hi Christiane,
    I was asking myself the same question earlier this year and decided to just drop social media entirely earlier this year. There a lack of data available around making that type of decision however. There's a lot of noise being made about using social media to improve your brand (my lab has generated some of that noise itself), but I don't see any strong evidence that it improves the bottom line - financial or whatever else.

    Another point that I was thinking about - and this is specific to the flow cytometry field - but we'll eventually need something to duplicate what's happening on the Purdue cytometry list. It's a great tool, but has been around forever and is not immune to obsolescence. So wherever we end up moving our social media discussion, we should try to find features that will allow for the types of discussions we're having over there.


    David Leclerc, Director

    Cytometry and Antibody Technology Facility
    University of Chicago
    BSLC R020
    924 E 57th St
    Chicago, IL 60637
    Office: 773.702.5582
    Lab: 773.702.9212

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